Free to a good home

Some vintage test equipment I’ve collected over the years, free to a good home. Contact me at if you are interested.

I particularly love the old HP stuff. It is over-designed, over-built, and rugged like a tank. It is a classic of electronic design. That said… I never use it; the new FPGA-based stuff is just too convenient and too light weight! It is really hard to beat being able to carry a DC to 6 GHz spectrum analyzer and signal generator, a logic analyzer, and an oscilloscope in your computer bag.

Data Royal F240A waveform generator (powers up)

HP 200CD signal generator 5 Hz – 600 kHz (works, last I checked)

TAKEN (HP 8614A signal generator 0.8 – 2.4 GHz (needs a power cord that I don’t have))

TAKEN (HP 8614B signal generator 0.8 – 2.4 GHz (doesn’t power up))

TAKEN (Tektronix 466 oscilloscope (powers up, knobs intact and surprisingly smooth, includes a P6105 probe))

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