Amateur Radio

I first held a Novice ticket in 1971, but then drifted away from amateur radio for over four decades. I got the bug again and passed my exams in 2013. I am interested in POTA, QRP, stealth (of necessity), satellites, digital modes, emergency communications, homebrewing, mesh networking, microwave, SDR, and pretty much everything else. On the rare occasions that I have time for DXing, you’ll mostly hear me hanging out on 40, 20, and 15m in the digital mode hotspots. I am also an ARRL VE (

High-Power Rocketry

I got interested in amateur high-power rocketry when I was asked to help teach a course on rocketry at Virginia. Before that, I had no idea amateurs were building really serious rockets capable of reaching altitudes approaching – and finally crossing – 100 km, the line usually considered to be the lower boundary of “space”.

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